Our Services.

  • Tox

    Neurotoxin injections are a popular non-surgical treatment used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face. The neurotoxin is administered through a small injection and works by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles. The results of a neurotoxin injection are usually visible within a few days and can last for up to four months. At Grace Aesthetics we offer several neurotoxins that cater to our patients goals.

  • From Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30478819@N08/50497063572

    Dermal Fillers

    Dermal fillers are a type of cosmetic procedure that is used to fill in wrinkles and lines on the face. They are also used to add volume to the face, lips, and cheeks. Dermal fillers are made of a variety of materials, including collagen, hyaluronic acid, and poly-L-lactic acid. They are typically administered using a needle, and the results are immediate.

  • From PxHere: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/30686

    Microneedling- PRP Facial

    Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation procedure that causes mini abrasions to the surface of the skin with a skin pen. These mini abrasions stimulate collagen production that results in plumping and thickening the skin.

    Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is used in combination with microneedling to treat under eye darkness and improve skin texture.

  • Image Source: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/94d2c3_aa16550b8d8d4ae3a82f2330d14407db~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_1480,h_899,al_c,q_90/94d2c3_aa16550b8d8d4ae3a82f2330d14407db~mv2.webp

    VI Chemical Peel

    VI Chemical Peels are a medical procedure that uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. The VI Chemical Peel solutions are applied to the skin to remove the outer layer. This procedure is used to improve the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage.

  • Medical Grade Skin Care

    We are so excited to offer the most advanced skin care products available in the market! We are now authorized retail partners with Skin Better Science. Click on the link below to shop our products https://skinbetter.pro/graceaestheticspgh